10 good reasons to go on a bike trip in Switzerland

Naturally, there are more than 10 reasons to embark on a bike trip in Switzerland. The top 10 reasons from our perspective are listed below. Spoiler: We've tried to break free from the stereotypical image of Switzerland and highlight reasons that might be less known.

Reason #1: Cities and Villages - Discovering Charm and History

Of course, we will also delve into the mountains, landscapes, and lakes. The architecture of Swiss cities or old, venerable farmhouses in rural settings exudes charm and history. Thanks to robust heritage protection laws and what is likely centuries of enduring peace (Switzerland holds the longest-standing peace in Europe), a wide range of architectural styles from the past can be admired.

Whether it's the old sandstone arcades in Bern, the modern Roche Tower in Basel, or the picturesque and colorful town of Appenzell – there's something for everyone. The beauty of exploring by bike is that you can reach places in traffic-calmed zones. Plus, you can let the houses and buildings make an impression on you, even if you decide not to stop.

The town of Thun with castle (Source: Canva)

Reason #2: Landscapes - Enjoying Freedom on Two Wheels

Regardless of which forum, guidebook, or blog you've read, you've probably seen Switzerland's landscapes, lakes, and mountains advertised somewhere. The beauty of the bike tour in Switzerland is that you decide where to go. You are free here, and we recommend fully embracing that freedom. We could recommend tourist hotspots like Lucerne or Grindelwald, but have you ever heard of the mystical moor landscape in Entlebuch? Or the small but beautiful lake, Etang de la Gruere in the Jura? Or what about the small town of Brunnen? We recommend you: get to understand Switzerland and discover it in your own way.

Happy Pedalmondo customer in front of a beautiful lake, mountains in the background, typical for Switzerland
Happy Pedalmondo customer in front of a beautiful lake, mountains in the background, typical for Switzerland

Reason #3: Bike Paths - Exploring Safe and Well-Signposted Routes with Pedalmondo

Switzerland boasts an excellent transportation and mobility network. Not only is there outstanding public transportation, but there's also an incredibly dense network of hiking, biking, and even snowshoeing trails. Thanks to SwitzerlandMobility these paths are developed, maintained, and kept in good condition. A visit to the website to get an overview or plan your tour is always worthwhile from our perspective. Over 12,000 kilometers of well-signposted and well-developed paths await you, spread across a dense network of local, regional, and national routes. This perfect infrastructure not only provides safety but also offers numerous opportunities to reach places you've always wanted to see.

Signalized cycle paths from SwitzerlandMobility
Signalized cycle paths from SwitzerlandMobility

Reason #4: Passes - Mastering Challenges and Exploring Boundaries

The Alpine country of Switzerland offers over 100 mountain passes. With Pedalmondo's touring bikes, you can choose some passes for your individual athletic challenge. Conquer the rugged mountain landscapes far above the tree line on your own and experience a bike trip full of adrenaline and unforgettable views.

Two touring bikes from Pedalmondo on the Pass dal Fuorn
Two touring bikes from Pedalmondo on the Pass dal Fuorn

Reason #5: People - Authentic Encounters on the Bike Path

Pedalmondo doesn't just take you to impressive places; it also enables authentic encounters with the people of Switzerland. The reserved Swiss mentality is overcome on the bike path through shared interests. Share your travel stories, learn more about local insider tips, and forge genuine connections.

Reason #6: Languages - Experiencing Diversity, Even on the Bike Path

With Pedalmondo, you experience not only landscape diversity but also linguistic diversity. Italian, French, German, and Romansh – the official four national languages of Switzerland – make your bike trip a cultural experience. Communication is easily possible in English, even with regional dialects.

Reason #7: Direct Democracy - Experiencing Freedom and Participation

Pedalmondo allows you to experience Switzerland not only as a traveler but also provides insights into Swiss direct democracy. Ride through the cantons, experience the diversity, and feel the self-determination of the people, which is not just a phrase but a fact.

Reason #8: Culinary Delights - Enjoying Diversity

With around 25% migrant population, Switzerland offers not only cultural but also culinary diversity. Pedalmondo recommends looking into the "foreign" kitchens of Switzerland, alongside the hearty Swiss cuisine. Discover new taste experiences and be surprised by culinary diversity.

Reason #9: Cleanliness - Clear Views for Unforgettable Photos

"Everything is so clean here!" This impression you'll often hear when biking through Switzerland with Pedalmondo. The appreciation for nature and the deeply rooted cleanliness mentality not only provides clear views on the bike paths but also the opportunity to take impressive holiday photos.

Reason #10: Tranquility - Relaxation Amidst Nature

Despite Switzerland's dense population, with Pedalmondo, you'll find tranquility everywhere. The reserved Swiss mentality, coupled with breathtaking, secluded, and almost untouched natural locations, creates moments of tranquility and self-reflection. Pedalmondo allows you to experience this tranquility on your bike trip.

Want to go to Switzerland? Great - then rent the suitable equipment from Pedalmondo now!

We look forward to accompanying you on your bike trip. Discover Switzerland on two wheels and experience unforgettable moments with Pedalmondo.