Terms and conditions bike rental

1. Scope of application

These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to the rental of bicycles by Pedalmondo GmbH based in Bern, hereinafter referred to as the "Lessor". The Lessor is the owner of the rental bicycles at all times.

All natural and legal persons who accept a bicycle from the Lessor (also on behalf of others, e.g. group travelers) and who have provided the required personal data online in advance are hereinafter referred to as "Renter".

The term "bicycle" hereinafter refers to all rental items, accessories and additional equipment taken over from the Lessor at the time of acceptance. This also includes bicycle panniers, bicycle lights, bicycle locks (incl. keys) and bicycle helmets.

2. Rental agreement

The rental agreement is concluded between the Lessor and the Renter. Swiss Federal Railways Ltd (SBB) and Ski+Velo-Center SVC AG (SVC) act as partners of the Lessor but are at no time contractual partners for the Renter with regard to the services offered.

Upon receipt of their online order, the Renter will be notified of receipt of the order by means of an automatically generated confirmation. The contract between the Lessor and the Renter is only concluded when the Lessor accepts the rental. The Lessor shall confirm acceptance to the Renter upon receipt of the order. This usually takes place within 24 hours of receipt of the order. By completing the booking, the Renter confirms the accuracy of the personal data. In the event of incorrect or incomplete information or failure to pay the agreed rental price by the time the bicycle is taken over, the Lessor reserves the right to withdraw from the contract without becoming liable to pay compensation to the Renter.

3. Rental prices, terms of payment and deposit

The prices and conditions communicated on the website and during the booking process shall apply. The Lessor reserves the right to change the rental price at any time. The Renter pays the rental price when booking online. Payment is made directly during the booking process and must therefore be made in full online and in advance. The Lessor does not charge a deposit.

4. Services and prices

The prices shown on the website apply. The rental prices include any statutory and possible value added tax and any other statutory and possible charges. Any possible discounts and discount coupons are integrated directly into the payment process and are not cumulative.

5. Cancellation, annulment

The Renter is free to cancel the booking at any time after conclusion of the contract. Cancellation is possible free of charge up to 2 weeks (14 days) before the start of the rental period. From two weeks (14 days) up to one week (7 days) before the start of the rental period, 50% of the rental price will be refunded. From 7 days before the start of the rental period, no money will be refunded. Changes of dates are considered as cancellation of the contract. In this case, a new booking must be made

6. Rental period

The rental period is agreed before the start of the rental period. The effective rental period is calculated in number of rental days, whereby one rental day comprises 24 hours. The minimum rental period can be found on the website and in the selected offer.

An extension of the current rental period is only possible after prior agreement with the Lessor, against payment of an additional rental fee and before the end of the current rental relationship. The Lessor may refuse to extend the rental period without giving reasons.

7. Bicycle handover

The bicycle shall be handed over in perfect condition. The Renter is obliged to check the bicycle for any defects. In particular, the Renter must check the full functionality of the brakes and gears, the presence of the front and rear lights and that there is sufficient air in the bicycle tires. Any defects, including those that only become apparent at a later date, must be reported to the Lessor immediately, otherwise the Renter shall be liable for any defects that arise. When handing over the bicycle, the Renter shall present an official identification document.

8. Use of bicycles

The use of bicycles is at the Renter's own risk. The Renter is responsible for any insurance.

The Renter is liable for any damage to the bicycle that occurs during the rental period. The Renter is also liable for the loss of the bicycle.

The bicycles may only be used by one person at a time. Misuse is not permitted. The use of the bicycles for racing purposes is prohibited. Legal standards or other regulations (e.g. by SBB or SVC) must be complied with.

In the event of defects during the rental period, the Renter may have the defect repaired at the nearest specialist bicycle dealer with the consent of the Lessor. The repair costs can be claimed from the Lessor against a receipt if the damage is due to material defects. Otherwise, the repair costs shall be borne by the Renter.

In all cases, the Renter is responsible for returning the bicycle to the nearest possible return point. The Renter is obliged to notify the Lessor of any damage or loss. It is prohibited to change/replace parts or accessories independently without consulting the Lessor.

Accidents and falls resulting in material damage must be reported to the Lessor immediately. If persons are injured and/or property damage is caused to third parties or if a third party is involved as a possible (co-)perpetrator, the police must be contacted immediately and an accident report completed. A copy of this must be sent to the Lessor.

9. Bicycle return

The Renter is obliged to return the bicycle to the agreed return point on the agreed return day during the opening hours by the agreed end of the rental period at the latest (proper return).

A lump sum of CHF 100 per day will be charged for bicycles returned late or incorrectly parked. We reserve the right to claim further damages. No costs will be refunded in the event of early return.

The bicycle provided by the Lessor must be returned complete as received and in perfect condition. The cleaning of the bicycle is included in the rental price.

10. Minimum age

Children and young people under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Bicycles may only be handed over to children and young people under the age of 18 who are not accompanied by an adult with the written consent of their parents or guardian. The parents or guardian must act as the Renter.

11. Liability

The Lessor does not offer accident insurance for the rented bicycles. Insurance (accident and property & personal liability) is the responsibility of the Renter.

The Lessor accepts no responsibility and excludes - to the extent permitted by law - any liability for damages, in particular liability for third parties involved, liability for slight negligence and liability for indirect damages, consequential damages, third-party damages and loss of profit are excluded.

12. Place of jurisdiction

This contract shall be governed exclusively by Swiss law to the exclusion of all international conflict of laws rules and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).

The place of jurisdiction is Bern (BE), unless mandatory law provides for a different place of jurisdiction.

13. Severability clause

Should individual provisions of these GTC be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

Status: Bern, April 2024