Discover Bern on Your Swiss Bike Tour – Our Tips for Great Weather!

For two out of three Pedalmondo offers, you will be able to visit Bern. You will certainly see a part of the federal capital, but we recommend you to spend at least one or two days in this wonderful city to acclimatize to Switzerland, its culture and people, before you pick up your booked touring bike from us and discover Switzerland on your own. We promise you: it's worth it. We have taken the liberty of putting together a possible program for good weather.

The fair weather program Bike Tour Bern

We did it! As people who have been living in Bern for years, we have gone through all our top spots and now list our perfect good weather day in Bern. Please note: you are allowed to take it easy to process the impressions. We don't want you to miss the most important thing about Bern - the relaxed attitude to life.

Bern (Source: Canva)

Sunrise and breakfast on Bern's local mountain

Bern's local mountain Gurten actually offers enough entertainment to spend a varied day in Bern. Besides various restaurants, there is a bike trail, a toboggan run and an observatory. We recommend you to walk up the Gurten with or before the sunrise. Of course, there is also a train going up- the first train is already running from 07.00 a.m. every quarter of an hour. So early in the morning will bring the advantage that not many people are on the road and you can watch relaxed as the sun rises over Bern. An unforgettable sight and one of the best ways to start the day. If you still want to have breakfast, there are as already mentioned enough restaurants where you can put everything possible on your plate. If time is short and you want to stick to our ambitious day program, you can also enjoy a breakfast picnic on one of the countless park benches.

View of the city of Bern and the Gurten (Source: Canva)

A game of Bern City Golf

After breakfast and sunrise, we will start at 09.00 at the Bern train station. Of course you can always just explore the historic Old Town of Bern, the famous Bear Pit and the Aare Loop on your own and follow the streams of tourists. A more relaxed yet sporty option is a game of city golf. Besides the insanely varied scenery, you will be fed with exciting facts and historical data about the respective places played. A very unconventional way to get to know the city.

Eat and relax at Eichholz

All the golfing and the impressions must have made you a little tired. Don't worry - you can now relax a little at the Camping Restaurant Serini of the Camping Eichholz. A recreation area at the Aare where also the people of the city of Berne like to spend their time. It should be about lunchtime now (maybe early afternoon) and you will surely be hungry again. Let yourself be spoiled with culinary delights in the best camping restaurant in the city of Bern, enjoy the sun and let the relaxed vibe of the people take effect on you. How about a relaxing nap in the sun? You can also just watch the wild hustle and bustle on the Aare, where it feels like the whole city is on nice summer days.

Swimming in the Aare - a refreshing experience with its pitfalls

If you are a good swimmer and don't mind flowing water, we recommend a refreshing and invigorating swim in the Aare after your lunch break. But watch out! The Aare is a very fast flowing water, which should not be underestimated. To avoid accidents we advise you to read and follow the tips and tricks of Aareyousafe If this is too unsafe for you, you can also visit one of the free outdoor pools in the city of Berne and spend a relaxing afternoon. In order to follow our daily program we advise you to start at Eichholz and to get out in a controlled way at the open air pool Marzili. Where you can enjoy the famous gelati of «Gelateria di Berna» across the street. Believe us, there is a reason why the queue is so long - the ice cream is great!

Apéro - the Swiss way of life

The author remembers hearing an interview with a linguist who was asked what was the word that most people in Switzerland understood. Regardless of the canton, the mother tongue or the dialect, it was the word aperitif. For all those who do not live in Switzerland or do not speak French: Apéro is a short form for aperitif and means to get in the mood for an occasion with appetizers and a glass of wine, beer or even non-alcoholic beverage. For the Swiss, the term "occasion" is a flexible term and can also just mean getting in the mood for dinner. For an aperitif, Bern's old town offers many possibilities under the sandstone arbors. Or in the restaurant Rosengarten, where you can admire the city again from a new perspective from above. But for your unforgettable day in Bern, we recommend a place that even the people of Bern are sometimes not so familiar with: the Attika Bar of the Hotel Bern. But be careful, the seats are limited.

Dinner in Bern

The borders from aperitif to dinner are often fluid in Switzerland, which means that many Swiss leave it at the aperitif or go directly into the main courses. We don't want to become a food blog here, but we can still give you some solid and good restaurants, so that you are not completely overwhelmed by the rich offer. Please note that these are not sponsored tips, but all restaurants where we like to eat ourselves. Good food you will find from our point of view here.

Please note, the list is not a ranking and there are many other restaurants in the city of Bern which are worth a mention.

Nightlife in Bern

The nightlife in Bern is varied and colorful. Here we recommend you to go without a big plan. Start in the Aarbergergasse or in the Turnhalle, get into conversation with people from Bern and try to drift through the night - get the tips on the spot. The nice thing about Bern: it's not big and you can reach all the main points on foot.

With this day program you will get to know Bern quickly and easily and you are now ready to start your bike tour to discover other great places in Switzerland. For more inspiration we also recommend the site of Bern Welcome.

Ready for more adventures? Rent the perfect equipment from Pedalmondo for your cycling journey through Switzerland now!